Here we go again…

The time as come once again to head back to school. To continue the tradition i started last semester, here are the classes I'm taking.

  • ALG 202: Intermediate Greek II, we will be studying verb tense uses as well as translating portions of Mark and Thessalonians
  • RPA 303: Pulpit Speech II, we will preach three times in class, using both deductive and inductive structures
  • PR 302: Ministerial Class (ie. Preacher Boys), the topics this semester will be Stewardship and Prayer
  • NT 450: Old and New Testament Prophecy
  • CpS 225: Advanced programing with several simple languages (HTML, Javascript, and VBA) D
  • GT 215: Project Management, not entirely sure what all will be involved with this class, but my unofficial adviser recommended it
  • CmN 430: Christian Masterworks, we will be studying 2 works by Bunyan, 3 by C.S. Lewis and portions of several by Tozer

Well, that's it for now.


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